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Parent Code of Conduct

Parent Code of Conduct

I hereby pledge to provide positive support and encouragement for my child participant in the Waterford Little League program by following this Code of Conduct.

  • I agree that my role as a parent/guardian is critical to the success of the Commerce Little League program and to the team.
  • I agree to not force my child to participate in sports.
  • I agree to inform the coach of any physical disability or ailment that may affect the safety of my child or the safety of others.
  • I agree to cheer and support good team play, and I will not be overly concerned with the outcome of the game.
  • I agree to have my child on time to practices and games and to pick up my child on time.
  • I agree to understand team rules, discipline and technique corrections of players as part of the game.
  • I agree to discuss with my child the importance of safety and will support the discipline of the League and its staff regarding temper tantrums, unsafe practices, and paying attention at all times.
  • I agree to let the coaches do the coaching and will refrain from coaching any player except to provide encouragement.
  • I agree to respect coaching decisions regarding playing time, position, and placement.
  • I agree to accept umpire decisions and understand that verbal abuse or harassment of umpires is detrimental to my child, the team, and the League. I further understand that verbal abuse or harassment may be grounds for my removal from games.
  • I agree to be a positive role model for my child and will not engage in public displays of anger.
  • I agree to display good sportsmanship by respecting opposing fans, coaches, and participants.
  • I agree to show compassion to an injured player and applaud positive performance. I will not heckle, jeer, or distract players, and I will avoid use of profane and obnoxious language and behavior.
  • I agree to censure those whose behavior is unbecoming.
  • I agree to accept responsibility for guests that I bring to games and to ensure that they follow the guidelines set forth in this document.
  • I agree to provide a sports environment for my child that is free from drugs, tobacco, and alcohol, and I will refrain from their use at all sports events.
  • I agree to not approach players or coaches before, during, or immediately after games with anything other than congratulations. All questions and concerns regarding players, coaches, or umpires should be addressed the day after the game in an atmosphere conducive to problem solving.
  • I agree to file in writing with the League Board of Directors complaints regarding violation of rules, questionable conduct, irreconcilable personality conflicts or abusive behavior by a player, coach, umpire, or fan. I understand that this is the League procedure for dealing with negative or emotional issues regarding the program and participants.

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